Northwest Indiana Native turned Cincinnati Housewife

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Maybe I'm the Weak One

Despite having this blog, I have a very difficult time putting myself "out there" on the internet.  My social media presence consists primarily of snarky summaries of mundane life details, or pictures that I don't entirely hate my appearance in.

I've known a lot of people who allow others in on the harder or more vulnerable parts of their life via social media.  But in my deep-rooted cynicism, I have often thought these people were weak or attention-hungry.  Or maybe arrogant.  To think that their life is so interesting or their opinion so important that everyone around them must want to hear about it.
 But even in those moments when someone else has started a conversation, I still won't put myself "out there" by responding to something I may actually have strong feelings, opinions or experience with.  
Because someone might disagree?
Or challenge me?
Or insult me?
The internet is a mean place.  And people use it to say things they would never consider saying to your face.  Taking that into consideration,  it would seem that people who choose to share details about their lives, especially personal ones, might actually be a lot stronger than I have given them credit for.
And maybe I'm weak one.


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