Despite having this blog, I have a very difficult time putting myself "out there" on the internet. My social media presence consists primarily of snarky summaries of mundane life details, or pictures that I don't entirely hate my appearance in.
I've known a lot of people who allow others in on the harder or more vulnerable parts of their life via social media. But in my deep-rooted...
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
Elaine's Birth Story
For the last five months, I've been telling my self I needed to carve out some time to write about Lainey's "birth story." The farther I've gotten from the actual event, the more certain parts of that experience have faded.
Even though I realize that most of the people who care about this story already...
Thursday, April 18, 2019
...but where are the baby pictures??
Seven weeks ago, Eric and I had a beautiful baby girl.
We named her Elaine Noelle, brought her home from the hospital, and confused the world by sharing not a single photo of her on our social media accounts.
By now, most people have noticed... and several people have asked.
So here it is. The "why our kid isn't...